Lessons from a Former Track Coach: Effectively Dealing with Polarized Parties

Masters of Dispute Resolution
Masters of Dispute Resolution
Lessons from a Former Track Coach: Effectively Dealing with Polarized Parties

Bob Friedenberg, a full-time Mediator and Arbitrator on the Panel of Neutrals of ADR Services, Inc., and a former litigator, educator, and track coach, joins Len to discuss what can be done to reach a resolution when the parties have issues between them that precludes any meaningful communication. His useful insights will help attorneys assist the mediator in bringing polarized parties together to resolution. It’s a discussion you will not want to miss.

Bob has 38 years of legal experience, the last 18 of which have been spent exclusively as a full-time mediator, arbitrator and discovery referee, and special master. He has handled well over 2,000 cases through his years of experience. His cases have ranged from large multi-party construction cases with claims exceeding $10 million down to smaller value cases in a wide variety of civil law areas.

Bob began his legal career in 1983, practicing all types of civil litigation in state and federal courts. While working in private law firms in the Bay Area and San Diego, he acquired significant experience handling numerous bench and jury trials in general civil and business litigation, including construction claims and defect litigation (representing plaintiff associations, individual homeowners, developer/general contractors, and a wide variety of subcontractors); personal injury (plaintiff and defense); product liability; insurance, premises liability; professional E&O; real estate; employment; civil rights; and municipal liability defense.

In 2000, Bob opened his own independent mediation firm, Friedenberg Mediation, to focus exclusively on alternative dispute resolution. He subsequently joined ADR Services, Inc. in 2018. Bob is certified by the National Conflict Resolution Center and the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution and has served as a San Diego County Superior Court Judge Pro Tem since 1997.

Demonstrating the depth and breadth of his experience and effectiveness, Bob is very much in demand as a neutral, dealing with disputes in areas of construction, real estate and real property, professional liability, employment, insurance, business, and commercial disputes, products liability, personal injury, and civil rights. Many of his cases involve parties taking extremely polarized positions. Bob provides his insights on successful solutions for overcoming such polarized positions which impede the resolution of disputes.

To learn more about Bob Friedenberg, visit his website at or contact his Case Manager at ADR Services, Inc. at (213)683-1600.
