Is a Recession Imminent?

Jeff examines the clues that may lead to a potential recession in the US. The word itself evokes visions of unemployment, a big drop in the stock market, and a weakening of the real estate market. Is it a done deal, or will experts be able to steer the economy away from a major decline in the nick of time? Guests Cindy Bui, Livier Becerra, and Chris Groves advise on how to stay confident in the home-buying process during this turbulent period.

Inflation and the Pursuit of Higher Profit Margins

Jeff explains the relationship between higher costs and profitability to shareholders when it comes to the impact of inflation. The availability of cheaper foreign products has been reduced because of supply chain issues, and with domestic manufacturing not as robust due to the demand for higher wages and profits, consumers must pay more for everything. What does this mean for the housing market? Guests Sonya Hadley, Mark Hays, and Richard Greene share how their regions are affected.

The Housing Market and the Affordability Index

Jeff sheds some light on the affordability index and the overall effect interest rates and inflation have, not only on a buyer’s potential to qualify for a mortgage, but also on the availability of properties in the housing market. Given the rapid rise in interest rates, is there a light at the end of the tunnel for prospective home buyers? Guests Kim Soash, Charles Giscombe, and Joann Munz weigh in on non-QM loans, shadow inventory, and the Las Vegas market.

Keeping Nerves Steady in an Uncertain Market

Jeff considers the myriad causes of stress that seep into every aspect of our lives, with those stressors seeming to compound when the anxiety over buying a home is thrown into the mix. Is the dream of home ownership slipping further away for many in the current market? Guests Tyrell Robinson and Nina Penny have some ideas to help save that dream and turn it into reality.

What is the Flight to Safety?

Jeff explains the phenomenon, known as “the flight to safety,” that occurs when there is instability or uncertainty in the world – major shifts in the stock market, war, or a natural disaster, for example – causing investors to pull their money out of the stock market and put it somewhere more protected, which can make interest rates go through the roof. What does this mean for home buyers? Guests Kim Tran, Jennifer Conrad, and Wendy Van Wessel discuss available options.

Dealing with Discrimination in Real Estate

Jeff contemplates the disparity between the advantaged and disadvantaged in the rapidly evolving real estate market. The better opportunities for the upper echelon of the mortgage industry compared to smaller companies are reflected in the imbalance between those with more money and better credit and groups with fewer resources that are less financially secure. How can the discrimination gap be bridged? Guests Katherine Martin, Justin Hardman, and Thomas Trujillo offer some solutions.

Why is it So Tough to Get a Mortgage These Days?

Jeff ponders the many issues being faced in the real estate market, from skyrocketing rates and loan costs to the specter of lending bias, to the possibility of fraud with loans increasingly more difficult to get. What are the pitfalls and caveats to consider when trying to secure a home loan? Guests Josh Thompson, Bill Orr, and George Gonzales provide some insight on how to navigate through obstacles in the current mortgage environment.

Exploring Program Options in a Tight Market

Jeff details the marked trajectory mortgage rates have taken since the beginning of the year. The number of properties on the market has declined, and multiple parties are bidding for those that are obtainable, driving prices out of reach for most people. What assistance is available to help more people become homeowners? Guests Eddie Rael, Charles Giscombe, and Brenda Scott offer some options towards attaining that goal.

The Benefits of a Mortgage Rate Lock

Jeff breaks down the importance of locking in a loan rate. With rates rising at a pace not experienced in 40 years, securing a lock-in is more critical than ever. What essentials will help lenders guarantee an affordable rate before rates get even more astronomical? Guests Lena Waltham, April Lopez, and Arzo Yusuf shed some light on this subject, as well as on the humanitarian issues of human trafficking and relief for Afghan refugees.

Achieving Focus in a World Full of Distractions

Jeff delves into the myriad distractions that keep us in an almost constant state of worry, whether it’s family issues, inflation, war, or local and world news. Layer this on top of considering buying a home in the current climate, and it’s almost too much to take in. How can you stay focused? Guests Charles Giscombe, Connie Hernandez, and Mike Torres target some options to help streamline the process.