The Genomic Health Revolution

Season 03 Episode 07

In today’s episode, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Nick Leventis, Senior Healthcare Analyst for the Innovators Strategy at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, to discuss the genomic health revolution.

Tech and Equity Investing

Season 03 Episode 06

In today’s episode, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Manish Goyal from J.P. Morgan Asset Management, who has over 25 years of investment experience in the tech industry and manages strategies that focus on digital evolution and innovation.

A Long-Term Look at China’s Growth

Season 03 Episode 05

In today’s episode, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Gabriela Santos, Global Market Strategist at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, to discuss the recent developments in China and how they fit into the context of China’s long-term growth story.

The Fiscal Outlook

Season 03 Episode 04

In today’s episode, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Meera Pandit, Global Market Strategist at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, to discuss the outlook for further fiscal stimulus with the infrastructure bill and budget reconciliation bill making their way through Congress.

The Reality of Global Warming

Season 03 Episode 03

In today’s episode, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Sarah Kapnick, J.P. Morgan’s Climate Scientist and Sustainability Strategist, with a discussion on the sobering realities of climate change and the opportunities for policy and investment solutions.

The Fed’s Timetable

Season 03 Episode 02

In this episode, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Jordan Jackson, Global Strategist on the Market Insights Team at J.P. Morgan, for a discussion on the Fed’s timetable for reducing accommodation as the economy shows signs of a durable recovery.

Investing as the Pandemic Winds Down

Season 03 Episode 01

Tune in to hear Dr. David Kelly and Michael Cembalest, two of J.P. Morgan’s most respected thought leaders, discuss the most pressing questions for investors as we head into the second half of 2021.

Asset Class: Investing with Model Portfolios

Season 02 Episode 12

Tune in to hear Dr. David Kelly and Ted Dimig, Head of Advisory and Core Beta Solutions, discuss model portfolios and how they can be used to benefit your clients.

Asset Class: Actively Managing Through Uncertainty

Season 02 Episode 11

Tune in to hear Dr. David Kelly and Jeff Geller, who serves as a Chief Investment Officer of our Multi-Asset Solutions group, discuss portfolio allocation decisions across a global opportunity set.

Asset Class: Reflation and Fixed Income Investing

Season 02 Episode 10

Tune in to hear Dr. David Kelly and Andrew Norelli, who serves as a portfolio manager for several global fixed income strategies, consider the impact of a reflationary environment