The Future of Globalization

Season 05 Episode 04

The global pandemic, supply chain problems and heightened geopolitical tensions from Russia’s war in Ukraine have all raised questions about whether the long trend toward globalization is being thrown into reverse. Our 2023 Long Term Capital Market Assumptions, available now, features a paper that tackles the future of globalization. In this episode, Stephanie Aliaga interviews two of the authors from the paper, Dr. David Kelly and Kerry Craig, to discuss the potential future paths of globalization, and the implications of a multi-polar world order for the global economy, inflation, and valuations.

Cross-Currents for Corporate Profits

Season 05 Episode 03

Higher inflation, higher interest rates, and slowing consumer demand have all posed considerable headwinds to U.S. equities and contributed to the large selloffs experienced in markets this year. In this episode, Dr. David Kelly is joined by David Lebovitz, Global Market Strategist for J.P. Morgan Asset Management, for a discussion on the outlook for U.S. equities and what investors can expect from the 3Q22 earnings season.

Europe’s Energy Crisis and the UK Response

Season 05 Episode 02

In an already challenging year for markets, the energy crisis in Europe and recent fiscal actions by the UK government have rattled market sentiment and caused further disruption to currency and global bond markets, with a higher reliance on Russian supply putting Europe in a particularly vulnerable position as winter approaches. On today’s episode, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Hugh Gimber, Global Market Strategist, to shed some light on these issues and the outlook going forward for the UK and Europe.

The Fed: Hiking Up a Hill of Uncertainty

Season 05 Episode 01

This episode kicks off our fifth season of Insights Now. Over the course of this season, Dr. David Kelly will sit down with a slate of market strategists and subject matter experts to discuss topics such as the implications of aggressive Fed tightening, the European energy crisis, equity market volatility, and the future of globalization to try to provide some insight into investing in this very stormy climate. In this episode, we tackle important questions for investors surrounding the outlook for the Federal Reserve with our fixed income strategist at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Jordan Jackson.

Investing in Troubled Times

Season 04 Episode 11

Investors have had a challenging year so far. While the outlook remains cloudy, much of the “bad news” might already be priced into markets, and investors may be wise to take advantage of the correction in valuations to position portfolios for the expansion ahead. For the last episode this season, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Jack Manley, Global Market Strategist at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, for an insightful conversation on navigating investing in troubled times.

Alternatives in a Higher Rate, Slower Growth World

Season 04 Episode 10

2022 has been a challenging year for most public asset classes, leaving many investors at odds on how to position portfolios, protect against inflation, and identify areas for potential excess returns going forward. While markets have been more challenging, the need for income, capital appreciation, and capital preservation has not changed. That’s where alternative investments may provide some solutions.

The Labor Market: Cyclical Strength and Structural Change

Season 04 Episode 09

Today, as investors mull the increasing risk of a U.S. recession, the strength in the labor market can be a double-edged sword. In this episode, Dr. David Kelly is interviewed by Stephanie Aliaga, Research Analyst, to discuss the latest jobs report, the outlook for the labor market, and our latest thoughts on the risk of a recession in 2022 or 2023.

The U.S. Fiscal and Midterms Outlook

Season 04 Episode 08

As investors mull recession risks, they will also soon have to grapple with the midterm elections and how changes in politics may cause uncertainty in the economic outlook. In this episode, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Meera Pandit, Global Market Strategist, to discuss politics and the fiscal outlook ahead of the midterm elections in a conversation moderated by Stephanie Aliaga, Research Analyst.

Unpacking the Tumultuous Equity Market

Season 04 Episode 07

The equity markets have seen a tumultuous and fairly disappointing few months in 2022. Investor sentiment has turned extremely bearish due to a land war in Ukraine, a more hawkish and aggressive Fed, and rising and persistent inflation. In this episode, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Andrew Tyler, Head of U.S. Market Intelligence, to discuss the current state of equity markets, the factors driving recent volatility, the takeaways from 1Q22 earnings season, and the further implications of the Fed’s rate-hiking cycle on equity markets.

Real Estate Booms, Busts, and Structural Change

Season 04 Episode 06

While the 21st Century has seen a wide variety of housing markets with massive booms and busts, never in all these years have there been so few properties on the market. In this episode, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Mike Kelly, Head of US Real Estate, to discuss the current housing market, the surge in housing costs, and the long-term impacts of the pandemic on certain real estate sectors.