The Impacts of Immigration

Season 11 Episode 01

The 11th season of Insights Now
, titled “The Policy and Investment Implications of the U.S. Election,” will focus on topics at the forefront of this election season and explore the impacts proposed policies could have on the markets, economy, and investors. Gabriela Santos, Chief Market Strategist for the Americas, will be co-hosting this season and will be joined by the usual host of the show, Dr. David Kelly, Chief Global Strategist at J.P. Morgan Asset Management. In this first episode, they delve into the magnitude of the recent immigration surge and the implications for the economy and corporate profits moving forward.

The Fundamentals of Alternatives

Season 01 Episode 01

Welcome to the first episode of Alternative Realities, a JP Morgan podcast focused exclusively on alternative investments. In these episodes, we hope to shed some light on the rapidly growing and increasingly important world of alternative Investments. The classic 60/40 stock-bond allocation has long been the accepted stalwart portfolio strategy. Currently, however, higher inflation has made the protection typically offered by the negative correlation between stocks and bonds less certain. To discuss the different ways clients are using alternatives to enhance the risk-reward profile of their portfolios, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Shawn Khazzam, Head of Private Wealth Alternatives, Americas.

What Might the November Elections Mean for Investment Strategy?

Season 10 Episode 10

The 2024 presidential election is well underway and has already delivered a host of surprising twists and turns. Against a backdrop of relatively stable economic growth and quite impressive U.S. stock market returns, the election adds a source of uncertainty for investors. Could the election outcome pose a risk to markets, or certain sectors and asset classes? And, in what can sometimes be a tense and polarizing time in society, how can investors navigate this uncertainty and invest with confidence this year?
In the final episode of this season, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Stephanie Aliaga, a Global Market Strategist at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, to help address these questions.

How Will Rising Federal Debt Impact the Markets and the Economy?

Season 10 Episode 09

Deficit spending is not at all a new phenomenon in the United States. In fact, it is the norm, and the U.S. has run a budget deficit in 81 of the last 95 years, or 85% of the time since 1929. What is abnormal, however, is how large the pile of U.S. debt has grown relative to the broader economy. With the election quickly approaching, and last year’s debt ceiling and downgrade drama still fresh in investors’ minds, we often get asked, “How will rising federal debt impact the markets and the economy?”
Brandon Hall, Research Analyst, poses this question to Dr. David Kelly, Chief Global Strategist for J.P. Morgan Asset Management.

Will Inflation Ever Get Back to 2%?

Season 10 Episode 08

Before 2021, the United States hadn’t seen a major bout of inflation for almost 40 years. And even when inflation peaked in June 2022, consensus estimates showed that most thought inflation would be almost back to 2% by the end of 2024. However, the journey to 2% has been more challenging than expected. This episode explores if inflation can get back to its 2% target, the potential obstacles, and whether inflation even needs to be 2%. To shed some light on the situation, Mary Park Durham, Research Associate, will be interviewing the usual host, Dr. David Kelly, Chief Global Strategist for J.P. Morgan Asset Management,

How Long Before the Next Recession?

Season 10 Episode 07

Going into 2023, almost everyone was predicting a recession within the next 12 months. However, what we saw was quite the opposite: the U.S. economy grew at a 2.5% year-over-year pace, and the unemployment rate stayed below 4%. This positive momentum has continued into this year, although the economy is gradually cooling.
This robust economic performance has been puzzling because many of the typical recession indicators have been flashing red for a while. This raises the question: how long can the U.S. continue to avoid a recession, and if one were to occur, what would likely trigger it?
To help us dive deeper into this question, Mary Park Durham will be interviewing the usual host, Dr. David Kelly, Chief Global Strategist for J.P. Morgan Asset Management.

When Will the Federal Reserve Begin Cutting Rates?

Season 10 Episode 06

After the Federal Reserve’s dovish pivot in December, many investors came into this year expecting multiple rate cuts. In fact, in early January, markets were pricing in over six full cuts in 2024 alone. Since then, sticky inflation has caused the Federal Reserve to reassert its hawkish tone, and the outlook for the economy, inflation, and monetary policy has become increasingly uncertain. As a result of this, investors often ask us “When will the Federal Reserve begin cutting rates?”
To dive deeper into this question, Brandon Hall, Research Analyst, will be interviewing the regular host of the show, Dr. David Kelly, Chief Global Strategist for J.P. Morgan Asset Management.

How Will AI Reshape the U.S. Economy and Investment Opportunities?

Season 10 Episode 05

Excitement around artificial intelligence has been a key driver behind strong market performance over the past year. This makes sense, as it has potential to be one of the most transformative technologies in modern history. That said, widespread AI implementation is still in its early stages, and its broader implications for the economy and investing remain unknown. This has left many investors wondering, “How will AI shape the markets and the economy?”

To help answer this question, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Joe Wilson, Portfolio Manager, for a discussion on artificial intelligence and its potential impacts on the economy and markets.

How Can You Minimize Taxes in Your Investment Strategy?

Season 10 Episode 04

As technology has improved, so has market efficiency, and generating alpha through active management is as challenging a task as ever. In light of this, “tax alpha,” or creating value through tax management strategies, has grown in importance and popularity and has left investors asking, “How can I minimize taxes in my investment strategy?”

For today’s episode, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Jack Manley, Global Market Strategist for J.P. Morgan Asset Management, to discuss the outlook for taxes, and how investors can minimize their tax burden.

How Do Different Generations Invest – and How Should They?

Season 10 Episode 03

From Baby Boomers to Generation Z, each generation has faced its own unique set of investment challenges and opportunities during their lifetimes. While the bulk of wealth in the U.S. belongs to older generations, wealth amongst younger generations is growing rapidly, and they represent an increasingly important piece of the investment pie. As advisors prepare for the next generation of investors, the question of “how do, and how should, different generations invest?” has been top of mind. To help answer this question, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Jack Manley, Global Market Strategist for J.P. Morgan Asset Management.