The Cranky Old Guy

Masters of Dispute Resolution
Masters of Dispute Resolution
The Cranky Old Guy

Scott Dickinson, Esq. has mediated nearly 3500 cases, and brings to his nearly 20 year highly successful mediation practice, experience as a trial lawyer representing both plaintiffs and defendants in a wide variety of civil matters, dealing with personal injury, first party bad faith and UM/UIM matters in which has dealt with issues of head trauma, neurological and orthopedic injury cases, premises liability, landlord/tenant, and mold exposure cases. He also represented plaintiffs in an extensive variety of employment matters. In this episode, Scott tells the story of an 85-year-old man injured in a motor vehicle accident and what it took to not only overcome unrealistic expectations, but also to discern and deal with the emotional impediments to reaching a resolution.

Mr. Dickinson began his mediation practice after attending the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine University in 2005. He built his practice to full-time status in 2006. In 2006, he was recognized by the Los Angeles Superior Court for his voluntary work in resolving employment disputes, and he was recognized by the Daily Journal as one the Top 50 Neutrals in California for four consecutive years from 2010 to 2013, until the publication ceased featuring the list.

Mr. Dickinson’s mediation style is one of transparency. His “cut to the chase” approach is much appreciated by both sides as an efficient and effective means to resolution. He spends considerable time with the parties to fully understand the parties’ arguments and positions, particularly in employment cases where emotions can run high in matters involving sexual harassment and wrongful termination. Additionally, his background as both a plaintiff and defense lawyer enables him to fairly evaluate the merits of the case and provide impartial assessments of possible outcomes.

Prior to becoming a lawyer, Mr. Dickinson attended the United States International University in San Diego, where he played college football for two years until a shoulder injury ended his athletic career. He then attended the University of Mexico City, where he learned to speak Spanish. His interest in Anatomy and Physiology led him to the University of Wisconsin at Lacrosse, where he received his certification in Cardiac Rehabilitation Therapy. He went on to receive his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Physiology from California State University, Fullerton. He later served as a Cardiac Therapist while training at St. Jude Hospital; attended UCLA for additional Physiology training; taught graduate level Sports Medicine courses; and served as a Provider for the California Nursing Registry in the area of Physiology. He is currently a provider of Continuing Legal Education to California attorneys in the fields of Anatomy and Physiology.

Mr. Dickinson can be contacted by email at or through ADR Services, Inc. at or
