Rochester Lifestyle Medicine’s 15-Day Jumpstart Program

Late Night Health
Late Night Health
Rochester Lifestyle Medicine's 15-Day Jumpstart Program

Starting as a small local program designed to help people in Western New York State take back their health, Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute’s (RLMI) 15-Day Jumpstart Program has exploded to over 1,000 participants and is now available across the country via Zoom link.

This program’s focus on the game-changing practice of Lifestyle Medicine through the adoption of a whole-food plant-based diet is an especially timely health story as many of us reassess our health and diet post-pandemic.

The program is led by Dr. Ted Barnett, who has dedicated himself to transforming the health care system using the principles of Lifestyle Medicine and whole-food plant-based nutrition. Known as ‘Dr. Veggie’, Dr. Barnett’s highly successful immersive program has altered the lives of over 1,000 participants, helping them to lower their cholesterol, increase their energy levels, lose weight, and prevent, arrest, and even reverse chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

During the program, participants will interact directly with medical professionals who will support them through a scientifically proven whole-food, plant-based approach to eating and will also be supported by small-group discussions with other program participants.

The results are indisputable. As chronicled in a recent study from RLMI published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, the average RLMI 15-Day Jumpstart Program participant reported:

1. Weight loss of between 5.8 – 7.3 lbs
2. Blood pressure drop of nearly 7 points
3. Cholesterol drop of 26 points
4. Significant improvement in both LDL and blood sugar levels

Many participants have reported that they were able to greatly reduce or even eliminate many of their costly medications, regain their energy and stamina, and take back their lives by taking Jumpstart.
